Wednesday 15 August 2012

Reading Distractions

    Okay so this summer reading is getting a little bit ridiculous – even for me. But the number of books that i am trying to read at once and actually manage to get through them in a decent amount of time is impossible.

    Okay so not technically impossible. Because if i had nothing else to do but spend my days dreaming away in my comfy clothes, with a cup of tea and a good book i can burn through a decent sized novel in a day or two, when i get really sucked into a story line.

    However, the desthroyer of all summers is the:Part time Job. Which has kinda started to take over my summer. Not to say im not happy getting over time at the moment because its usually ridiculously hard to get, and i know my over time will dwindle once again when i return to Uni in a couple of weeks time. But i have just recently become conscience of how long ago i said i was planning to do a review on Neil Gaimans American Gods, Because i picked it up again and realised i wasnt very far through it yet.

    Not because it isnt good, because it definatly is and the lead character Shadow is going on me more and more as i get along. Its just that this summer i have found a number of good books and trying to squeeze them in between shifts and attempting to be resonably sociable, means that i have failed to make progress anywhere.

    Besides the long list of distractions in everyday life from results, reapplying for student loans and train cards, DISSERTATIONS and little brothers getting their tonsils out = Stress!
But on better news i have found so very good books and so i have just been interested in finding out more about:

1. Neil Gaimans American Gods
2. Robin Hobb Assassins Apprentice
3. Jennifer Rardin Bite Marks
4. Charlaine Harris Dead Until Dark
5. Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaimans Good Omens
6. Lynsay Sands The Rogue Hunter

And some re-reads:

1. Laurell K Hamilton Lunatic Cafe, The Killing Dance and Burnt Offerings
2. J. R. Ward Lover Unleashed

So although i love reading and sometimes i just get a line/quote/scene in my head which means i have to re-read a book, heres hoping i manage to finish some of these soon.


p.s i got tired of Friday, Sorry.

Saturday 28 July 2012

Review coming soon: Neil Gaiman's American Gods

Just wanted to let you’s know that i recently got Neil Gaimans book, American Gods and i have only started it yesturday but i am extcited about getting through it because I have been a huge fan of Neil Gaimans work for a number of years now, starting with his book Neverwhere.

Neverwhere is a story about an alternitive London under London and the adventre of an ordinary man when he accidently got pulled into this other London and works with the other main character named Door and her role in saving her life and world. With out wanting to spoil anything for anyone who wants to try it out, it is an awesome book with the classically odd and hilarious style of all of Neil Gaimans books.

But back to American Gods, this book has been out for a while but i am only getting round to it now, but i am very excited to review this book and hope to get back to you’s soon.

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Lynsay Sands: Lady is a Vamp

Okay this is a book i am very excited about coming out soon. Because i have been reading Lynsay Sands novels for a long time now and she has been an author i willing follow because she books are not only an excellenct variation on the traditional vampire/urban fantasy novel but she also manages to do this and be hilarious. I love a good comedy novle because it just helps lighten your mood after a crappy day at school or work, especially at the moment when everything is so bad economically for everyone.
And to make things even better, Lynsay Sands is holding a competition to win Louis Vitton luggage in celebration of its release:
So please check her out, she is an awesome, hililarious and i’d love to hear whats you’s think or if any of you’s are fans too :)
Lady Is A Vamp contest

Pottermore :)


Pottermore: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

I am really excited at the moment :) The second book in the Pottermore online alongside story line that J. K Rowling created after the release of the last book as a means of providing more Harry Potter knowledge.
It travels through each chapter in the first book, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. And through each chapter it goes through vital scenes in each book like Harry’s room under the stairs, his first trip to Diagon alley and the Hall in Hogwarts.
And now the Chamber of Secrets has been opened (:D hehe)and the first four chapters were avaliable. But now they have gotten even better and interactive – with new activities to reach new levels. Like De-Gnoming the Weasleys Gardens – which was ridiculously funny and enjoyable and maintaining a floating violet dessert.
I was one of the crazy Potter addicts who was trying repeatedly to get to get early access to the Pottermore site – and Yes i did!! :) And yes i am a total Potterhead :)
But i would totally advise any Potter fans to check out the site and join in! :)

The Flinch and Doughnuts

While im sitting here with my giant mug of tea and a rasberry doughnut -yumyum!! :) One of my dietry weaknesses along side Galaxy chocolate and Ben&Jerry’s chunky monkey ice-cream.
Bit of randomness i know but i do have a reason. I am currently reading a very short book called The Flinch written by Julien Smith. It is a free book on the Kindle with Amazon.
It is a book dedicated to over coming your own in-grained weaknesses which we have either been born with or have delevoped while growing up. I discovered this book through Hank Green on the Vlogbrothers, who is a great example of what the book represents and advocates.
The Flinch advocates overcoming your fears and self-conciseness in your everyday life and having the confidence to reach out for your dreams – despite the risks, despite the possibilities of failure and any resulting embaressment you may fear (both realistic or just inside your head – which is usually where your fear really exists).
It has a number of exercises to overcome that natural reaction – The Flinch. That voice inside your head as you walk into a new situation, which causes your feet to freeze to the ground and your brain mentally stutters and you feel like a four year old with a home-made wooden sword being told to take on a Hungarian Horntail!! lol
Tumblr_luz0l1lf151qc2eojo1_500_large It is these small daily challenges -like stepping into a freezing cold shower every morning for a week :s -which can stop a person from working hard enough to achieve their best. Be it in their work, at school or University because they fear that their is somebody better, smarter, braver than themselves aiming for the same thing, that your just not good enough to achieve such a dream. Quitting before you ever try, means that you have 0% chance of reaching your dreams. And even if you only have a 1% chance of reaching your aim it is always better than nothing.
As they say:
“Reach high, aim for the moon and even if you miss, you’ll land amoung the stars”
Because it is always better to take risks in your life and fail than to never take a hold on any opportunites. Because i am only 20 years old but i have already missed opportunites and as it is the summer before my final year of University and i am trying to choose a topic for my dissortation. So i have decided that it is time for a change in my life. I am no longer going to be the nervous mousy, bubble wrap child that i have always been. Partly because that is just who i am as a person and partly due to how i was raised. I was always the nerdy book worm in the family and was generally the smallest. And although i was never bullied – it was just more of a case that i never really fit in. I played sports – i just wasnt the best. like my family. I was the child that hide with a J.K. Rowling or Neil Gaiman novel at christmas rather than try to play haunts with my cousins.
So reach for your dreams and never give up because it is all worth it for a chance at what you really want in life. Because most of those times in your life when you are the most self-conscience and feel t=like the entire world is staring at you and waiting for you to fall on your face, stutter or just make a fool out of yourself for challenging your limits and trying something new- is when the least number of people care what your doing because they are feeling the exact same way. Dont let them get you down – because anyone does try to pull you down, is trying to take you down to their level because they are sick at having to look up at you and arent worth a minute of you day never mins having an impact on you life.
Sorry if this blog got a little rant-ish and may have got a little lost in translation…

Monthly Favourites: Lizzie Bennet diaries

Lizzie Bennet Diaries
Okay after that downer of my previous post here is something a little more up beat :)
This is a little link to the Lizzy Bennet Diary on Youtube. It is a fairly new video series created by Hank Green of the Nerdfighters.
Hank Green alongside his brother John Green the author of a Fault in our Stars and Paper Towns; they have created an online community aimed at not only creating some good in the world through charity but by spreading their message:
DFTBA – Dont Forget To Be Awesome
Which basically means to be yourself and spread the awesome anyway you can. :)
Hank Greens new project is an adaptation of the traditional Elizabeth Bennet story in Pride and Prejudice only it has been modernised and the new Lizzie Bennet is in the modern day and is about to graduate from University. With the perfect older sister Jane who is working in fashion and a crazy younger sister Lydia (there are only 2, not 5 sisters) who is the party girl of the family. And finally Lizzie’s best friend Charlotte, who helps with the project. It is very funny and in some ways relatable while other parts are overdramatic which is to be expected from like their crazy and marriage obsessed mother.
We never get to see the rest of her family or (Sadly) Mr.Darcy and Mr.Bingley, (although i am holding on to hope because Mr. Collins appeared in a recent video). Only the sisters and Charlotte telling the story throught video diaries.
But this is definatly worth following as a series. For the comedic value and as a fan of the original Pride and Prejudice it fills the gap between the centuries. And what fuelled this was seeing the Actress Laura Spencer on the newest episode of 2 Broke Girls on E4 which is another ridiculously hilarious show which i have fallen in love with but is for another post :) .

The Crappy-ness of wisdom teeth

Okay so my summer hasn’t started well….the weather sucks and now by own body has turned against me!! Over dramatic i know :) but i just recently discovered how horrible wisdom teeth are to have removed. The problem is i have to small a mouth and far too many teeth. I already had 4 teeth removed when i had braces and now i’ve had another 2 removed because there still wasn’t enough room for the dang things to grow in (#sigh). After having to look like a fat faced chipmunk for 2weeks and now im ranting because having my wisdom teeth removed – specifically the bottom one which was trapped and i had to have my gums surgically opened to get out- had caused one of my other teeth to brake!!
Sadly, and this may sound kinda pathetic, this has caused tears. 1. because i am terrified of dentists, but my current dentist is really nice and is able to deal with me, but she is on holiday so i have to go to some random lady tomorrow :( she could be perfectly nice but it is the fear of the unknown (dentist) which has just put this giant grey cloud over my whole week. 2. I am a little OCD about my teeth due to my daddy who has weak teeth too, so the fear of losing anymore teeth is mentally scaring. Im weak when it comes to my teeth.
So i shall end this rant or exhale of dental fear here before i drive you’s all crazy :)

“Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it.”
J. K. Rowling Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

Book Review: Christine Feehan, Samuri Game

Title: Samurai Game
Author: Cristine Feehan
Ok so this is my first review for this blog, so here goes :) :
Christine Feehan is an author i have been following since i was about 13 and her Carpathian series introduced me to the romance/vampire genre. And i found her completely be accident because the back of her first book Dark Prince didnt really give away the vampiric aspect of her stories.
Samurai game is from Christine Feehan’s other series called ofcourse The Game Series :) . This series is very different from her dark series as is focus is a psychic military group who have been psychically and genetically enhanced by the series malefactor, Dr. Whitney. This book is the 10 book in the series and i would seriously advise reading rom the start of the series because although im sure you could read this book alone i think you would miss out on alot of the backstories and not understand some of the jokes and characters. But as someone who has read the whole series i can honestly say i loved this book. It was different from the rest of the series as there is an emphasis on a women being rescued and this is how she mets her perfect partner. While trying not to spoil too much for anyone who hasnt read the series. The bad guy Dr.Whitney has genetically paired up male and female soldiers.
Samurai game answers alot of questions from previous books specifically the main character Thorn who has been mentioned in a number of books. However unlike the other female characters, Thorn was abandoned and raised outside of the influence Dr.Whitney unlike most of the girls.
And it also appears to be marking a turning point in the Ghostwalkers (what the genetically enhanced soldiers called themselves) war against Whitney, which i feel the series has been building up to and have started to really started to have an impact on his reign.

Okay i have realised that i really love this book and the characters are really different from some of Christine Feehans other books, i havent really been able to show how much i like it cause i really dont want spoli it for everyone. Because i’ll admit the first in the series Shadow game is not my favourite cause Lily is not one of my favourite, but i think its because so many of the others are considered favourites of mine (Gator, Jack & Kaden) :D .
Maybe next time i’ll start with the first in a series. But its just that i got this book for my birthday and loved it. :) I promise to improve :D

Monday 2 April 2012

Back again.... & Lynsay Sands New Book!

Okay so i realise i am really lacking as a book blogger so far cause i have been ass-deep in essays & it feels like it may never end :( Uni life sucks some days..
But back to books!
i owe you a review on Sherrilyn Kenyon's Infamous, it was awesome by the way :) and i am currently off for my Easter holidays so i plan to re-read it and start anew :)

BUt more exciting news-this really is an qwesome book month not only for new releases like JR Wards Lover Reborn but Patricia Briggs Fair Game (which was awesome!!! i love Charles)

But also for news of upcoming releases like the Lynsay Sand new book #Under a Vampire Moon!! this is Christian Nottes book and if you follow this series this is extremely exciting news, as i think he is such a cute character and his intro to this series was pretty sad by the end but with a happy ending :) that i am on the end of my daybed waiting for this book and have been watching her site for a while now. Cause not only is her Argeneau Vampire serie awesome but her historical series is fab too. As they are funny and always have strong female (and male) characters in both series. SO definatly worth a try if you have never read her books before and Under a Vampire Moon comes out on April 24th.

I hope you's enjoy and i hope to get back to you's soon
Happy Easter or just happy time off :)

   Friday x

Wednesday 21 March 2012


I was reading Kandee Johnson and although she is really, really girlie which i am not, i really like her. As she is an extremely positive and inspirational person. Who can really give you a boost if your having a bad day or struggling with your achieving you dreams.

I personally have a phrase that i made, and believe in is:

"Life is about Running Between Rainclouds"

So if your having a bad day just remember that these difficult moments are part of the road of achieving your dreams. And that overcoming their these difficulties are what makes us stronger.

Best of luck & Never give up on your dreams no matter your opponents and even your self doubt :)


giggles! Infamous & harry potter

Hey everyone,
  I cant do a full review today cause im stuck doing uni work at the minute so im just going to say that i loved Infamous, it was sooo good and funny. Plus there are enough mushy moments to make me happy but i still think its not too mushy and guys will love this too!!

so i will be finished my essay for monday and i will be back with a full & proper review!

but on another note i got the most adorable Harry Potter ring from the fantastic PrettyLittleCharmsUK on etsy:

i am so getting the Nox ring next or maybe these in earrings!!
And this has helped me to deal with my potter withdrawal symptons that i have developed since the end of the books - or at least JK Rowling new book comes out!
so im in love....
you's should definatly check her shop out.

    Friday x

Wednesday 14 March 2012


Hello again,

   Sadly i missed the Kenyon chat online on monday night cause i had Uni- the next morning but i got my copy of Infamous yeaturday! There was only one in the store .....and its mine now!! mwahahahah :)

   I started last night and its already got me laughing, but i feel so far that its a book you kinda need to read the rest of the series to understand the main plot, so i would definately start with Infinity.
And here's a link to read the start of Infinity: 

But loving it so far and hope to get back soon to tell you's more,

If anyone else has got the book, tell what you think :)

   Friday x

Monday 12 March 2012


I am soo excited, tomorrow is the offical release of Infamous by Sherrilyn Kenyon!! Nick is one of the mostly loveable and fun characters i've ever followed. and to add to the excitment there is now a having an interactive chat tonight about the book, with appearance from characters from her Dark-Hunters series in celebration of her latest release!

oka o its on at midnight in the USA, est time, which is 5:00am in Ireland so i really want to take part but im so not sure im gona be able to get up :s just cause honestly, i am NOT a mornign person! :)
plus i have uni- tomorrow as well so.... im gona try.... ;) but i might jus try and read it tomorrow :)

i completely recommend this series for everyone, he is adorable, cute and so so funny and you dont have to read her Dark-Hunter series to appreciate it although it does add some jokes and sidelines additions to her other series but still totally worth it.

So if anyone goes let me know whats you thought and have fun!!
and let me know if anyone tries her series and what you's think...

Link here for her facebook chat:!/ChroniclesofNick?sk=app_190322544333196

   Friday x

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Quirkiness :)

I hope to make you Laugh.....

Make you Smile....

And make you Hopeful that life can get nothing but better...

   Friday x

Monday 5 March 2012

First Book Review: Hunting Lila by Sarah Alderson

17-year-old Lila has two secrets she's prepared to take to the grave. The first is that she can move things just by looking at them. The second is that she's been in love with her brother's best friend, Alex, since forever. After a mugging exposes her unique ability, Lila decides to run to the only people she can trust - her brother and Alex. They live in Southern California where they work for a secret organisation called The Unit, and Lila discovers that the two of them are hunting down the men who murdered her mother five years before. And that they've found them. In a world where nothing and no one is quite as they seem, Lila quickly realises that she is not alone - there are others out there just like her - people with special powers -and her mother's killer is one of them…

Review:  didn't like it it was ok liked it really liked it (my current rating) it was amazing
 I know i said i was going to do Sherrilyn Kenyons Chronicles of Nick as my first review for the release of the new book Infamous this month - 7days!!! So excited!! But i was reading on Goodreads - which is a frequent habit to find a couple of new writers because after soo long of reading i got stuck in a rut and wanted to find new writers/books and i found Sarah Alderson and thought i'd give her a try inbetween which i take a break from the fabulous Nick! :)

But im goin stop babbling now.... :)

   So i really loved this book, it was a really light read that had a mix of Fantasy, Sci-Fi and Romance. With alottttt of emphasis on the Romance as the lead Lila does have that A-typical teenage addiction to love with one of the male leads and romance Alex,( who was very hot by the way - lol military men. ) but that was a minor draw back for me and is one of the reasons i tend to not read YA novels as she did have a continiuos mental dialouge focused on him and why they would be perfect, then not.....and just on and on until finally they both catch on already!
   Minor rant aside, although that romantic turmoil may appeal to some it did annoy me a little but for some reason it didnt really stop me liking the book because it never reached that - what i consider Twilight level - that she was nearly a stalker, but that, without the fantasy element could be brought into a normal life of curshing on your brothers best friend and being scared to challenge that dynamic for fear of ruining everything, so it allowed me enjoy it and still be able to like Lila who was just determined and fiesty enough that she stood up for herself and played her part in dealing with the obsitcles that she faced - rather hide behind her hot crush and equally cute brother.
   In regards to the fantasy element, i really liked it. It moved away from the spill of vampire romance and had a new-ish take on the pyshic power mixed with a dangerous military element / threat but i wont go too much into it fear of ruining the plot - i enjoyed all the plot twists and turns and actually surprised me and made me feel with Lila to find out everything....o must not spoil!. And although she isnt a fighter naturally and is quite girly - she did the girls proud and gave it her all.
   So in conclusion i surprisingly for me, with a YA, i really enjoyed it. It was light and fun but still engaging and enabled me to become emotionally involved in the story and characters. I did take a little while at the very start to get into it, but it didnt take awat from it more make me want to give up. and as a debute novel its awesome and definatly someone im gona watch. There is a sequal coming out later this year and she has a 2nd novel from a different series called Fated that is out..or coming very soon.

So i hoped this help and feel free t let me know what i should add or take away to improve, im new but willing to work and adapt to make my reviews as useful as possible. :)

& a little woohoo for finally christening this blog with a review!! :)

   Friday x

Favourite Quotes:
"Of course....And really your a nice guy - I bet you like puppies and teach Sunday School. When your not killing people on your day off." Lila - fiesty! :)

""You don't need to worry about me.....They didn't even get my iPod.
His eyes widened. "What?HOW did you deal with it?"
"Um, I guess I'm pretty damn Ninja."

Saturday 25 February 2012

(Sigh...) Hello again

   Ok so clearly this blog has not had the best of starts, as sadly i have only been back at Uni- for 3weeks and already i have 3 essays due for next month - (please insert sound of face hitting desk). so i am already ass deep in crocodiles and the pressure is rising daily. SO i have finally decided what is going to be my first book review!! Yeah finally!!
   So as im sure i have previously said, i am a HUGE Sherrilyn Kenyon fan and i am nearly vibrating with excited for the release of the new Chronicles of Nick novel coming out -13th March, which is the UK release date :) which is the perfect excuse, if i ever needed one to have a re-read of the first two books.
   I am progressing steadily through the first book - Infitiy - at the moment and hope that means i will be able to have reviewed the first two YA novels before the release of the New book :) Infamous.

Here are the links- just beware dates may vary between the UK & US. -book 1 in the series -newest book!

Let me know if any of you's have read them and what you's think and if you are excited for the up coming release.
Hopes yous are keeping well,
       Friday x

Saturday 18 February 2012


kk i wanted to make an effort to make my first review, to try and make it not just something i love, but something i think will appeal to alot of people, because admittly alot of my books are probably a little mushy for the average guy being more fantasy-Rom than straight up Sci-Fi. So im struggling to decide on what to re-read or to buy a new book :s, so im a hopeless procrastinator... :) so im hoping to go for a run in the morning and hopefull get my brain in gear - weather depending, i dont do running in the snow.... brrrr hope to be back very soon, Mwah! Friday x

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Cutest little Valentine!

I was snooping about on Etsy as i loove to do and found this adorable little love note or love 'art'. My heart squeezed a little, hope it does the same for you, :)

   Friday x

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines day Everybody! (esp. the singles)

I am sending you's this little message from Uni- at the moment :)
But just wanted to say have a fab day, even if -like me- you are single, this doesnt mean it has to be a terrible day, more like the perfect excuss to eat sweet watch dvds or preferably -to me :)- pick up a fab book, probably a Romance in respect of the season, but whatever you 'love' to read, and have fun.

Although i am "Romantically Challenged" - not single, i've found this is the perfect day to get together with your single girl/guy friends and have a giggle and even laugh at the mushy couples make you want to scream PDA! all around. lol

Although my day is not perfect-
  • it is freeeezzzziiiinnnngggg in Ireland today!
  • i forgot my Uni- card so i can't get any work done..... pity :)
  • the only valentines i bought was buying my Mums Valentines from my Dad :D (Just called me Cupid)
  • and the only valentines pressie was a really cute heart covered mug my dad bought for me & one for my mum too.
Is not going to make me enjoy my day any less.

Have fun, laugh and know that im sending a Valentines Hug to each and everyone of you!

    Friday x

Sunday 12 February 2012


Okay i am in the process of finding which book i want to be my first review but i am a little swapped with Uni cause i back for my 2nd semester of my 2nd year, so things have started getting a bit cray-cray again....what can you do :) so i hope to back soon with my first review. Excited!!!!
But i thought i'd leave you's with my favourite quote for today

“I wonder,” he said, “whether the stars are set alight in heaven so that one day each one of us may find his own again...”
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

-which i love just as an inspirational quote to follow your dreams and to never give up on achieveing your dream. Obsticles dont mean its not meant to be, just that you have to take a different path, i discovered this to be true since recieveing a rejection letter from the schlorship programme i've been working towards for 2years. So it hurts now, but you gotta pick yourself up, dust off and try a different avenue. :) Just know i believe you can -Mwah!

p.s. just an extra quote from Sherrilyn Kenyons Infinity, Nick has to beonw of my favourite of her characters and makes me giggle soooo much along side Acheron, Love! -control yourself Friday! :)- so i thought i@d soo you these too, from my favourite quotes in Goodreads-

“Not half as much as I’d miss me if you killed me. (He blinked like a girl and leaned against Ash’s shoulder.) Please don’t hurt me, Ash. Please. I don’t want to die while I’m still a virgin. At least let me get laid before you kill me – which according to my mom I can’t do until I’m married and I can’t do that until I finish college. So you have to wait a good ten years before you snuff me. Deal? (Nick)”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Infinity
“A monster. I despise my true form. (Acheron)
I can’t imagine why. Other than killing me, you were actually cute in a very Papa Smurf kind of way. (Tory)
Papa Smurf? I don’t look like Papa Smurf. (Acheron)
No, baby, you don’t at all. You look like sex on a stick. Now is your ego all better? (Tory)”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Acheron

Definatly go out and read her Dark-Hunter novels, they are like the perfect mix of Romance, Action and Humour, even her YA, the Chronicles of NIck, are amazing just less focus on the romance, but they make me laugh sooo much.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

How a Book can improve your day :)

   My day has gotten progressivly worse since my post after discovering my email from Uni- informing me that i failed to progress within the schlorship to the U.S. and then my uni- group failed to turn up for our project so my afternoon has turned rather depressing. So i pulled out one of my favourite novels by Kresley Cole, Dreams of a Dark Warrior. Regin has to be one of the funniest heroines ever written, with the maturity of a pre-pubesant boy but also tough as nails and loyal to a fault. But she is a great pick me up read. As despite her struggles she retains her biting wit and continuiously makes me giggle. One of my favourite quotes by her has to be-
 “Seconds passed, then ... La Dorada skulked into view. She was half-mummified, but sodden. Gooey.

Regin let out a low whistle. "The Mummy Returns meets Dingoes Ate My Face."--

--La Dorada swung her head around, peering at Regin with her one eye. "Okay. That's freaky. Lookit, Gollum, if you spring me, I'll help you find your precious."

Although coming in a close second is -
“He shot to his feet, faced off against her. "No more mercy for ye, Valkyrie." Holding nothing back, he launched a haymaker at her head.

She ducked and laughed. "That accent you work so hard to hide is coming out! Are ye feckin' Oirish this time? Eh, boyo?" She leapt atop his desk, punting the side of his head. "Those swords are mine! Touch them, and I'll use 'em to slice off your n*ts**k! For a coin purse!”

Probable has more to do with the fact that the Hero is from the same country as me, which was a new experience for me when its mostly american writers that i follow.

But this went a long way to improving my mood after failing in something i'd worked over a year for, however the chocolate did help. But i have discovered that its true that -

"you can't go through your life without failing at something unless you live so carefully that you fail by default."

 A favourite quote of mine from J.K.Rowling, who im sure from my previous quote, Harry Potter must be one of my favourite books of all time. But we have to move on from our failings and try to achieve our dreams by another avenue, but that we must never give up.

Hold on tight to your dreams despite those who dont believe in you and even when you begin to doubt yourself. Turn your weaknesses into your strengths and know that if no one else does that i believe you can do, and i hope you believe the same for me.



Just found this on Twitter and i'd made me giggle and brought some light to my day inbetween trying to organise a group to do work for Uni-, Stessful. But Harry Potter lightens my day :)

HARRY POTTER FANS, YOUR LETTERS ARE STILL OUT THERE. HAVE FAITH rose to power in 1997. He destroyed all records of muggle borns. Therefore, all muggle borns that would have been younger than 11 at the time of his takeover would never have gotten their letters because he’s an evil wizard and destroyed our records. The Ministry is still in the process of finding all muggle borns.

First DIY :) Hollowed Book &/or Clutch

Okay since this is fairly new to me i thought i'd start of slow and give a little tutorial on how to make my fabulous book clutch, which has been become my latest crafty addiction altogether it took 3days to make but should only take 2 if you have everything at hand...unlike me :), however it does need to be left over night ot dry.
However this doesnt just have to one for the Girls but with one minor subtraction one a bright red ribbon it can simply become a hollow book to hide anything your please: from hidding your money from your siblings or your favourite sweeties, while looking to all the world like your doing something educational....reading a book :D

So What your going to need.....
1. a good sized hard back book - mine is a 437page long novel so because your dont want to go through all the pages, some need to be left dor support, its needs to be a good size or you'll struggle to fit anything into it. But dont worry to much about weight, because it becomes lighter without the pages unless your going for a very large book. Mines also just has a plan black finish with silver writing on the spine but you can get a prettier one if you like :)
p.s. charity shops and 2nd hand bookshops are great for getting cheep hardbacks - dont destroy any important books, or your parents without asking :s
2. a Stanley knife - To remove the pages to great your hollow space - just be careful please.
3. PVA glue and a OLD small paintbrush - to make your hollow space solid and to atach your ribbon or magnet (alternitive closure).
4. Felt or fabric - to line your hollowed book. p.s. is a little finiky to do.
5. A ribbon or fabric - to act as a closure for your book. Or a magnets - i didnt because it seemed harder on some of the tutorials. Sorry.
6. Clingfilm or Cellophane

So lets get started.....
  • First you need to work out the size of the hollowed square space your going to cut out. The most important is to leave ruffly 2cm/roughly3/4 of an inch from the outside of the book where the pages edge is, for support whithout only about 1cm between your hollow square and the spine. and 1-2cm above and bellow.
  • Also leave a couple of pages(3) at the start of the book before you start cutting - 1 to hide where you attach your ribbon and 1-2 pages to add to the hidden effect of your book.

  • Next take your stanley knift and begin cutting out your square. You can draw your square onto your book with a pencil to help or cutout  a cardboard square template to help, but make your template smaller then your desired size as it will get harder the deeper into the book you go. I free handed mineand it turned out okay. Remove the cut out pages as you go to make it easier.
  • If it begins to dovetail a bit, meaning the sides start to slope in a bit done panic, it wont be perfect and you can go back to touch up the edges when your done.
  • DONT go all the way to the back page - I stopped at 375/437, so depending on how deep your book leave 75-100 pages to support it.
  • Once you have cut to out your space, take your PVA glue and place a small amount (size of a coin) into a dispoible plastic lid or tub, and use your paint brush to coat the inside of your hollowed space. Give it a good coating as well as the seal between the next uncut page and the walls of your hollowed space to keep the bottom attached to the walls. Go back for more glue of desired.
  • Now we need to leave this over night to dry. Take a sheet of clingfilm/cellophane and place this over your hollowed space - this stops the glue drying to the first couple of spare pages and close your book and place something relatively heavy ontop to force the pages together. I used a piggy bank, but you can use encycopedias or more hardback books and leave over night to dry.
  • Mine was ready when i returned from Uni- next day, so remove you clingfilm and tap the sides to make sure they are hard. We are now going to attach your Ribbon. You need 2x 30com pieces of ribbon, whatever colour you like, so its long enough to tie and glue down 4cm to the back of you hardback cover. Pva on the back of your ribbon and place in the middle, on the inside of your cover as well as dot glue on the rest of the back of the cover and more on top of the ribbon.
  • And the press the first page of your book to your glue coated cover. As seen below this will hide were the ribbon is attched inside your book. Repeat on the back cover .
  • If you want to start lining your hollowed space right away rather than wait a couple of hours to dry, i'd advise using hair clips or bulldog paper clamps to hold the ribbon in place and try not to force the cover to wide open while your working on the inside or the ribbon might move or lift.
  • As im sure you can tell from my 2nd photo my lining didnt work perfect so be careful when your measuring the lengths of the base your space if the walls of your space are tiy you can leave them or cut more felt to the length and depth required and it will help to protect the pages from things like your phone moving about inside.
  • Using another coat of PVA coating the sides if attaching felt there but now also adding a coat of PVA across the bottom of the hollowed space to line the bottom and your done! but leave for the rest of the day to fully dry before filling or using.
  • For the magnet closure you have to create a space using a stanley knife on the inside of the hardback cover where the ribbon alternativly is as well as a small space for the other magnet between your hollow and the outside edge of your book. make sure they match and glue securely in place. The magnet will work better for just using a hiding place but will work for the clutch also just be carefull have much weight is in the clutch.

  • And Enjoy! :) :)

I hope this was help, i'd love to hear and see any of your works or version and any critiques on how your feel would improve my blogging.
But thank you for taking your time to read this and i can't wait to hear from your's soon.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

First Post on Blog! :s

   This is to be my first post, daunting as it seems when it brand new, but i hope to be able to bring you my own review on some of my favourite books from my own collection as well as new books as i find them. I am also hoping to bring together some other review and enable people to see when the general concensise on a book is, not just what i think. :)
   I am also planning to use this as a general everyday blog to record some of my progress through Uni- and provide any help that i can. Along with some of the travels i hope to take in the next year.
   Another avenue of interest for me is also little craft/DIY projects, like the hollow book clutch i made a couple of days ago and hope to place a tutorial on in the next couple of days.
    And finally in regards to writing and life in general, use this blog as a means of encouraging anyone who want to read my blog or stumbles across it, and hopfully create a very positive and motivation place for people, for example i am aiming to start running again, not an easy task where i live when its cold and wet 80% of the time. :D
    But thank you if you took your time to read this and i hope to hear from you's soon and tell me if there are any books you's are interested in or what you's would like to hear from me.

Thank you,