Wednesday 8 February 2012

How a Book can improve your day :)

   My day has gotten progressivly worse since my post after discovering my email from Uni- informing me that i failed to progress within the schlorship to the U.S. and then my uni- group failed to turn up for our project so my afternoon has turned rather depressing. So i pulled out one of my favourite novels by Kresley Cole, Dreams of a Dark Warrior. Regin has to be one of the funniest heroines ever written, with the maturity of a pre-pubesant boy but also tough as nails and loyal to a fault. But she is a great pick me up read. As despite her struggles she retains her biting wit and continuiously makes me giggle. One of my favourite quotes by her has to be-
 “Seconds passed, then ... La Dorada skulked into view. She was half-mummified, but sodden. Gooey.

Regin let out a low whistle. "The Mummy Returns meets Dingoes Ate My Face."--

--La Dorada swung her head around, peering at Regin with her one eye. "Okay. That's freaky. Lookit, Gollum, if you spring me, I'll help you find your precious."

Although coming in a close second is -
“He shot to his feet, faced off against her. "No more mercy for ye, Valkyrie." Holding nothing back, he launched a haymaker at her head.

She ducked and laughed. "That accent you work so hard to hide is coming out! Are ye feckin' Oirish this time? Eh, boyo?" She leapt atop his desk, punting the side of his head. "Those swords are mine! Touch them, and I'll use 'em to slice off your n*ts**k! For a coin purse!”

Probable has more to do with the fact that the Hero is from the same country as me, which was a new experience for me when its mostly american writers that i follow.

But this went a long way to improving my mood after failing in something i'd worked over a year for, however the chocolate did help. But i have discovered that its true that -

"you can't go through your life without failing at something unless you live so carefully that you fail by default."

 A favourite quote of mine from J.K.Rowling, who im sure from my previous quote, Harry Potter must be one of my favourite books of all time. But we have to move on from our failings and try to achieve our dreams by another avenue, but that we must never give up.

Hold on tight to your dreams despite those who dont believe in you and even when you begin to doubt yourself. Turn your weaknesses into your strengths and know that if no one else does that i believe you can do, and i hope you believe the same for me.


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