Saturday 28 July 2012

Review coming soon: Neil Gaiman's American Gods

Just wanted to let you’s know that i recently got Neil Gaimans book, American Gods and i have only started it yesturday but i am extcited about getting through it because I have been a huge fan of Neil Gaimans work for a number of years now, starting with his book Neverwhere.

Neverwhere is a story about an alternitive London under London and the adventre of an ordinary man when he accidently got pulled into this other London and works with the other main character named Door and her role in saving her life and world. With out wanting to spoil anything for anyone who wants to try it out, it is an awesome book with the classically odd and hilarious style of all of Neil Gaimans books.

But back to American Gods, this book has been out for a while but i am only getting round to it now, but i am very excited to review this book and hope to get back to you’s soon.

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Lynsay Sands: Lady is a Vamp

Okay this is a book i am very excited about coming out soon. Because i have been reading Lynsay Sands novels for a long time now and she has been an author i willing follow because she books are not only an excellenct variation on the traditional vampire/urban fantasy novel but she also manages to do this and be hilarious. I love a good comedy novle because it just helps lighten your mood after a crappy day at school or work, especially at the moment when everything is so bad economically for everyone.
And to make things even better, Lynsay Sands is holding a competition to win Louis Vitton luggage in celebration of its release:
So please check her out, she is an awesome, hililarious and i’d love to hear whats you’s think or if any of you’s are fans too :)
Lady Is A Vamp contest

Pottermore :)


Pottermore: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

I am really excited at the moment :) The second book in the Pottermore online alongside story line that J. K Rowling created after the release of the last book as a means of providing more Harry Potter knowledge.
It travels through each chapter in the first book, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. And through each chapter it goes through vital scenes in each book like Harry’s room under the stairs, his first trip to Diagon alley and the Hall in Hogwarts.
And now the Chamber of Secrets has been opened (:D hehe)and the first four chapters were avaliable. But now they have gotten even better and interactive – with new activities to reach new levels. Like De-Gnoming the Weasleys Gardens – which was ridiculously funny and enjoyable and maintaining a floating violet dessert.
I was one of the crazy Potter addicts who was trying repeatedly to get to get early access to the Pottermore site – and Yes i did!! :) And yes i am a total Potterhead :)
But i would totally advise any Potter fans to check out the site and join in! :)

The Flinch and Doughnuts

While im sitting here with my giant mug of tea and a rasberry doughnut -yumyum!! :) One of my dietry weaknesses along side Galaxy chocolate and Ben&Jerry’s chunky monkey ice-cream.
Bit of randomness i know but i do have a reason. I am currently reading a very short book called The Flinch written by Julien Smith. It is a free book on the Kindle with Amazon.
It is a book dedicated to over coming your own in-grained weaknesses which we have either been born with or have delevoped while growing up. I discovered this book through Hank Green on the Vlogbrothers, who is a great example of what the book represents and advocates.
The Flinch advocates overcoming your fears and self-conciseness in your everyday life and having the confidence to reach out for your dreams – despite the risks, despite the possibilities of failure and any resulting embaressment you may fear (both realistic or just inside your head – which is usually where your fear really exists).
It has a number of exercises to overcome that natural reaction – The Flinch. That voice inside your head as you walk into a new situation, which causes your feet to freeze to the ground and your brain mentally stutters and you feel like a four year old with a home-made wooden sword being told to take on a Hungarian Horntail!! lol
Tumblr_luz0l1lf151qc2eojo1_500_large It is these small daily challenges -like stepping into a freezing cold shower every morning for a week :s -which can stop a person from working hard enough to achieve their best. Be it in their work, at school or University because they fear that their is somebody better, smarter, braver than themselves aiming for the same thing, that your just not good enough to achieve such a dream. Quitting before you ever try, means that you have 0% chance of reaching your dreams. And even if you only have a 1% chance of reaching your aim it is always better than nothing.
As they say:
“Reach high, aim for the moon and even if you miss, you’ll land amoung the stars”
Because it is always better to take risks in your life and fail than to never take a hold on any opportunites. Because i am only 20 years old but i have already missed opportunites and as it is the summer before my final year of University and i am trying to choose a topic for my dissortation. So i have decided that it is time for a change in my life. I am no longer going to be the nervous mousy, bubble wrap child that i have always been. Partly because that is just who i am as a person and partly due to how i was raised. I was always the nerdy book worm in the family and was generally the smallest. And although i was never bullied – it was just more of a case that i never really fit in. I played sports – i just wasnt the best. like my family. I was the child that hide with a J.K. Rowling or Neil Gaiman novel at christmas rather than try to play haunts with my cousins.
So reach for your dreams and never give up because it is all worth it for a chance at what you really want in life. Because most of those times in your life when you are the most self-conscience and feel t=like the entire world is staring at you and waiting for you to fall on your face, stutter or just make a fool out of yourself for challenging your limits and trying something new- is when the least number of people care what your doing because they are feeling the exact same way. Dont let them get you down – because anyone does try to pull you down, is trying to take you down to their level because they are sick at having to look up at you and arent worth a minute of you day never mins having an impact on you life.
Sorry if this blog got a little rant-ish and may have got a little lost in translation…

Monthly Favourites: Lizzie Bennet diaries

Lizzie Bennet Diaries
Okay after that downer of my previous post here is something a little more up beat :)
This is a little link to the Lizzy Bennet Diary on Youtube. It is a fairly new video series created by Hank Green of the Nerdfighters.
Hank Green alongside his brother John Green the author of a Fault in our Stars and Paper Towns; they have created an online community aimed at not only creating some good in the world through charity but by spreading their message:
DFTBA – Dont Forget To Be Awesome
Which basically means to be yourself and spread the awesome anyway you can. :)
Hank Greens new project is an adaptation of the traditional Elizabeth Bennet story in Pride and Prejudice only it has been modernised and the new Lizzie Bennet is in the modern day and is about to graduate from University. With the perfect older sister Jane who is working in fashion and a crazy younger sister Lydia (there are only 2, not 5 sisters) who is the party girl of the family. And finally Lizzie’s best friend Charlotte, who helps with the project. It is very funny and in some ways relatable while other parts are overdramatic which is to be expected from like their crazy and marriage obsessed mother.
We never get to see the rest of her family or (Sadly) Mr.Darcy and Mr.Bingley, (although i am holding on to hope because Mr. Collins appeared in a recent video). Only the sisters and Charlotte telling the story throught video diaries.
But this is definatly worth following as a series. For the comedic value and as a fan of the original Pride and Prejudice it fills the gap between the centuries. And what fuelled this was seeing the Actress Laura Spencer on the newest episode of 2 Broke Girls on E4 which is another ridiculously hilarious show which i have fallen in love with but is for another post :) .

The Crappy-ness of wisdom teeth

Okay so my summer hasn’t started well….the weather sucks and now by own body has turned against me!! Over dramatic i know :) but i just recently discovered how horrible wisdom teeth are to have removed. The problem is i have to small a mouth and far too many teeth. I already had 4 teeth removed when i had braces and now i’ve had another 2 removed because there still wasn’t enough room for the dang things to grow in (#sigh). After having to look like a fat faced chipmunk for 2weeks and now im ranting because having my wisdom teeth removed – specifically the bottom one which was trapped and i had to have my gums surgically opened to get out- had caused one of my other teeth to brake!!
Sadly, and this may sound kinda pathetic, this has caused tears. 1. because i am terrified of dentists, but my current dentist is really nice and is able to deal with me, but she is on holiday so i have to go to some random lady tomorrow :( she could be perfectly nice but it is the fear of the unknown (dentist) which has just put this giant grey cloud over my whole week. 2. I am a little OCD about my teeth due to my daddy who has weak teeth too, so the fear of losing anymore teeth is mentally scaring. Im weak when it comes to my teeth.
So i shall end this rant or exhale of dental fear here before i drive you’s all crazy :)

“Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it.”
J. K. Rowling Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

Book Review: Christine Feehan, Samuri Game

Title: Samurai Game
Author: Cristine Feehan
Ok so this is my first review for this blog, so here goes :) :
Christine Feehan is an author i have been following since i was about 13 and her Carpathian series introduced me to the romance/vampire genre. And i found her completely be accident because the back of her first book Dark Prince didnt really give away the vampiric aspect of her stories.
Samurai game is from Christine Feehan’s other series called ofcourse The Game Series :) . This series is very different from her dark series as is focus is a psychic military group who have been psychically and genetically enhanced by the series malefactor, Dr. Whitney. This book is the 10 book in the series and i would seriously advise reading rom the start of the series because although im sure you could read this book alone i think you would miss out on alot of the backstories and not understand some of the jokes and characters. But as someone who has read the whole series i can honestly say i loved this book. It was different from the rest of the series as there is an emphasis on a women being rescued and this is how she mets her perfect partner. While trying not to spoil too much for anyone who hasnt read the series. The bad guy Dr.Whitney has genetically paired up male and female soldiers.
Samurai game answers alot of questions from previous books specifically the main character Thorn who has been mentioned in a number of books. However unlike the other female characters, Thorn was abandoned and raised outside of the influence Dr.Whitney unlike most of the girls.
And it also appears to be marking a turning point in the Ghostwalkers (what the genetically enhanced soldiers called themselves) war against Whitney, which i feel the series has been building up to and have started to really started to have an impact on his reign.

Okay i have realised that i really love this book and the characters are really different from some of Christine Feehans other books, i havent really been able to show how much i like it cause i really dont want spoli it for everyone. Because i’ll admit the first in the series Shadow game is not my favourite cause Lily is not one of my favourite, but i think its because so many of the others are considered favourites of mine (Gator, Jack & Kaden) :D .
Maybe next time i’ll start with the first in a series. But its just that i got this book for my birthday and loved it. :) I promise to improve :D